3 Ways to Feed Your Greed

Written by Pastor Josh Adams

3 Ways you Feed your Greed

There’s an old saying that goes something like this:

“Greed is a fat demon with a small mouth and whatever you feed it is never enough.”

In this current season, with all the lights and glitter and unending commercialism, we are more tempted than ever to feed the greed beast within our souls. If we want to starve out this monster, we must be intentional this holiday season not to feed it, not to encourage it, and definitely not to release it onto others.

Here’s 3 ways you might be (unintentionally) feeding the Greed.

  1. Discontentment or complaining. Your inability to find the good in your current situation will undoubtedly drive you to want more… and then more… and then more. If nothing is good enough, then there has to be better stuff out there somewhere. This greed for “better” makes us buy crap we don’t need, spend extra hours at work, pursue unhealthy friendships/relationships. It’s a consuming cancer in our hearts.

  2. Keeping up with the Joneses. The way you view what other people have will ultimately be the fuel you feed your soul. Often instead of celebrating other people’s good fortune, you begin to covet their things. You think: “if I only had that house, or that car, those clothes, that income… I could really do well.” That kind of thinking is a bottomless pit. There will always be somebody somewhere that has more than you or better than you. Accept that, don’t chase it.

  3. Poor self-image/Insecurity. Believe it or not, the way you feel about yourself will also feed your greed. Because when you think that you are deficient, useless, unproductive, unattractive, etc., you will begin to desire the things you think will cover your faults. More money, more friends, a better body, more toys, etc. This type of greed feeds off of the self-deprecating thoughts you have, not only growing your selfishness but simultaneously feeding a depression or self-loathing attitude. Often your greed will turn towards intangible things like making more time or capturing a person’s affection or attention.

We don’t have the room on this short devotional to give you all the many ways you can find contentment or identity in Christ or confidence in His plan for your life. So for now; just read these verses and at the very least, do your best this week to STARVE THE GREED BEAST.

“But those who desire to be rich [want more stuff] fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction” (1 Timothy 6:9).

“Greed causes fighting; trusting the Lord leads to prosperity” (Proverbs 28:25).

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