Get ready Harbor! Today is December 1st and this marks a brand new series called Special Delivery. Join us today for an amazing message!
Are you too busy to rest? Your busyness could be a barrier to your blessings. Check out this message to hear about what resting can create room for in your…
What does having Godly character look like? Today we’ll learn what 7 character traits you should strive for in your walk with God. The goal isn’t perfection, but persistent progress.
Worship is a lifestyle of exaltation. It’s not just about Sunday services; it’s about a daily, moment-by-moment lifting up of God in all that we do. What does worship look…
Is God’s Priority My Happiness? Today we dive into what is God’s role in our happiness and take a deeper look at what it means to have joy despite all…
Do God & Politics Mix? There’s a lot to this conversation, and this message has a good word on it! Here are 3 things NOT to do this election season:…