Today we’re focusing on dealing with difficult people, which we’re pretty much sure everyone can relate to! Sometimes it is tough to hear, but the mirror that shows your flaws is…
God has called us to be in relationships. He knows relationships are hard and He wants to bring healing and restoration to your relationships. For healing to happen, we have to be…
Believe it or not, the #1 predictor of happiness and health isn’t your age or your income; it’s your relationships! Pastor Josh is exploring core components of relationships and common…
We’re wrapping our sermon series on prayer and you don’t want to miss this final message. Do you ever feel stuck around how to talk to God? Do you worry…
What if you could get more clarity and deeper connection from your prayers? Fortunately, you can, and that’s what Pastor Josh is exploring in today’s message. What goes together like…
Do you feel unsure of yourself when you pray? Wonder if you’re doing it wrong or if you should be doing it differently? Join us for our second week in…
Happy New Year! This week we’re flying into a new sermon series called Airplane Mode. We’re exploring what it looks like to disconnect from the things of this world and…
Tune in for a brand new message from Pastor Josh, all from the comfort of your couch. Bundle up and let’s finish out this awesome Special Delivery series!
Merry Christmas Everyone! This is our last message in the Special Delivery Series and it’s one you don’t want to miss. This message is full of redemption, God’s love and…
It’s easy to be asleep in life. It’s comfortable to remain the same. But that’s not what God has for us. This message explains what a spiritual awakening looks like…