Online Resources

Stay Connected

Gathering together as a church is different than anything we’ve ever experienced before…and that’s ok! We know that God hasn’t called us to live in fear, but instead to continue loving and serving the people around us. We’ve put together a few resources that you can access from home – anytime, anywhere – check them out and get involved!

Daily Directional

We could all use a little direction: fortunately the Bible is full of directions to help us grow and stay grounded during uncertain times. Click here to sign up to receive our Daily Directional Email!


We are going to be on the lookout for ways to help our community, and continue to support our missions partners around the globe. Your giving, as always, helps the mission of sharing the gospel around the world and in our back yard.


We are building a team to help serve our community by running errands for the elderly or those with compromised immune systems, and we are also working on more ways to serve those around us.

Watch Online

Every Sunday we go live at 9am with a new message. We encourage you to hop online, watch with friends and family, and connect with others. We also have an archive of previous messages that you can watch anytime, anywhere!

Harbor Kids

Harbor Kids has put together resources and teaching tools to help you encourage your kids’ spiritual journey! This is a great opportunity to spend time learning about God together, encourage them in their faith, and have some FUN!

Recovery Resources

If you are struggling with addiction, or are in recovery, there are a variety of meetings that are offered online and over the phone. There are meetings available for a variety of different needs and offered at many different times, so please click below to find a recovery meeting that will work for you.